
Sunflower Bouquet TFX1704 D05

Brighten someone's day with the gift of sunshine! The Sunflower Bouquet TFX1704 D05 delivers a burst of warm color with its half dozen fresh-cut sunflowers, their golden petals glowing with vitality.

  • Half dozen fresh sunflowers in bold yellow hues
  • Long, sturdy stems for easy arranging
  • Vibrant blooms symbolic of joy and optimism

Give the gift of happiness with these sunshiny flowers. Sunflowers have long been treasured for their ability to instantly lift spirits with their warm, inviting color. Their wide faces turn naturally to follow the sun, reflecting its light even on cloudy days. Their sturdy stems make them perfect for both formal and casual arrangements.

Surprise a special someone with a bouquet that celebrates the brightness of summer in any season. These sunflowers are sure to spread sunshine.

Half dozen of Sunflowers

Design not applicable for provincial addresses, if ordered and given a provincial address, we will have it designed that may fit the the box.


Available: In Stock