
Pretty In White Ecuadorian Bouquet

Surprise your beloved with an exquisite bouquet that radiates pure romance. The Pretty In White Ecuadorian Bouquet features a dazzling display of pristine white blooms nestled elegantly in a glass vase.

  • Lush white roses, lilies, and carnations artfully arranged
  • Fresh, fragrant flowers straight from the farm
  • Elegant clear glass vase included

This breathtaking bouquet evokes feelings of true love and devotion. The soft, delicate petals embody purity, innocence, and new beginnings - making it the perfect gift for that special someone. Watch their face light up when you present this gorgeous arrangement on your next date night or anniversary.

Let the Pretty In White Bouquet express what words cannot. Give your soulmate a tangible symbol of your unconditional love and commitment.

My beautiful girlfriend, you are the reason I wake up with a smile on my face every morning. You are never off my mind. You are in my dreams, and even then, you are still perfect in every way. I love you my sweetheart.

Our online flower shop delivers flowers, flower bouquets, inaugural flowers, sympathy flowers, gift baskets and other flower arrangements within Metro Manila areas such as Manila, Makati, Mandaluyong, Pasig, Pasay, Manila, Paranaque, Las Pinas, Alabang, Malabon, Antipolo, Rizal, Quezon City and also other nearby provinces.


Available: In Stock