
Pink Bite Ecuadorian Carnation Bouquet

Make her heart skip a beat with the stunning Pink Bite Ecuadorian Carnation Bouquet. This gorgeous bouquet says "I cherish you" with:

  • Vibrant pink carnations artfully arranged in a stylish glass vase
  • Delivered fresh and ready to brighten her day
  • Long-lasting blooms to enjoy for 7-10 days

Show her just how special she is with these beautiful carnations, thoughtfully chosen to reflect your deep affection. The delicate pink petals and sweet fragrance surround her in your love. Give her a gift that celebrates your bond and reminds her she's your princess.

This touching bouquet is perfect for surprising your leading lady on Valentine's Day, anniversaries, birthdays, or any time you want to make her feel like the queen of your heart. See her eyes light up knowing she's loved and adored.


Pink Bite Ecuadorian Carnation Bouquet

You are my princess and my little heartbeat. I will never play with your heart as I only want to see you glow with happiness. If I could, I would give you the universe and a a constant state of pure bliss. Love you to the moon and back. 

Our online flower shop delivers flowers, flower bouquets, inaugural flowers, sympathy flowers, gift baskets and other flower arrangements within Metro Manila areas such as Manila, Makati, Mandaluyong, Pasig, Pasay, Manila, Paranaque, Las Pinas, Alabang, Malabon, Antipolo, Rizal, Quezon City and also other nearby provinces.


Available: In Stock