La Reina (TFX1601 D8)
This exquisite bouquet is sure to make her day complete. The pure white roses pay homage to new starts and express your hopes for the future together. Historically, white roses symbolize innocence and purity - perfect for telling her how much you care.
The cheerful pink tulips complement the roses beautifully. Unlike red tulips, pink tulips have a less romantic meaning and indicate caring and encouragement - ideal for new relationships.
Send La Reina to show her she has your respect, care, and hope. The gorgeous roses and tulips will brighten her day and convey your feelings perfectly.
Bangkok roses with 6 pcs of Tulips and fillers
This bouquet will make your special someones day complete and she’ll be happy with this flowers because their pure color conveys respect, pays homage to new starts and expresses hope for the future. Historically, the white rose symbolized innocence and purity Pink tulips symbolize happiness, confidence and caring. They can convey a message of encouragement to someone. Unlike red tulips, pink tulips indicate caring and significantly less romantic meaning. This makes them an especially good choice for new couples. Sending flowers is the best way to express your feelings for her.
Design not applicable for provincial addresses, if orderedand given a provincial address, we will have it designed that may fit the the box.