
To Be In Love

Make their heart skip a beat with the To Be In Love bouquet. This enchanting arrangement features elegant light pink roses wrapped in a maroon ribbon, creating a sweet and quirky gift that's perfect for your special someone.

  • Lovely light pink roses give this bouquet a soft, romantic look
  • Maroon ribbon adds a fun, unexpected pop of color
  • Great for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, or any time you want to surprise them

With its blend of classic romance and playful charm, this bouquet is sure to make them feel cherished. The delicate pink roses convey your affection beautifully, while the maroon ribbon adds a touch of your recipient's colorful personality. Give them a gift as unique as your love with these stunning flowers.

For the quirky girl in your life who's also a hopeless romantic, this bouquet is sure to make them smile. The light pink roses and maroon ribbon create the perfect combination of sweetness and whimsy. Send this gift from the heart to brighten their day and show them how much you care.

This lovely bouquet features of light pink roses with a maroon wrap for the quirky girl who’s also a romantic.

  • Each arrangement comes with a greeting card. Just type in your gift card message during checkout. We will write the message for you and attach it to the bouquet/arrangement before delivering it.
  • In the event that certain flowers are not available, we will replace them with flowers of a similar value while maintaining the overall look and feel of the arrangement. 


 Questions? Please message us on our FB  page  https://www.facebook.com/theflowersexpressph/ .


Available: In Stock