
Love Blanca Flower Bouquet


Surprise your special someone with a one-of-a-kind floral arrangement that conveys your love and appreciation. The Love Blanca Flower Bouquet features a stunning selection of white blooms artfully arranged in a stylish glass vase.

  • Exquisite white roses, lilies, and orchids for elegance and romance
  • Thoughtfully designed by floral experts for a polished, sophisticated look
  • Arrives fresh in a clear glass vase ready for displaying and gifting

This remarkable bouquet combines exotic orchids, elegant roses, and fragrant lilies in a harmonious floral medley. The pristine white color palette evokes purity, sophistication, and new beginnings - perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or just because.

Give her a gift as unique as your bond. The Love Blanca Bouquet is sure to delight her with its heartfelt symbolism and breathtaking beauty.

Giving her a remarkable combination of flowers, you delight her and make her feel special and unique – which is hopefully, what you wanted.

Note : Substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of certain flowers or materials to ensure timely delivery. If substitution is required, care is taken to maintain the style and theme of the arrangement using flowers and materials of equal or greater value.


Available: In Stock