
Chantal Flower Bouquet

Send her a bouquet that's as vibrant and beautiful as she is with the Chantal Flower Bouquet. This stunning arrangement features a playful mix of roses, lilies, tulips, and carnations in shades of pink, purple, and white.

  • Gorgeous assortment of roses, lilies, tulips, and carnations in vibrant colors
  • Carefully designed by expert florists to create an eye-catching floral display
  • Fresh, fragrant blooms delivered right to her door in our signature gift box

Surprise her with a bouquet as unique as she is. With its joyful blend of colors and flowers, the Chantal Bouquet is sure to make her feel loved and appreciated. She'll be wowed by the beautiful presentation and delighted by the wonderful scent of fresh blooms.

Give the special woman in your life a gift to show her how much you care. The Chantal Flower Bouquet is the perfect way to brighten her day and remind her how amazing she is.

Giving her a remarkable combination of flowers, you delight her and make her feel special and unique – which is hopefully, what you wanted.

Note : Substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of certain flowers or materials to ensure timely delivery. If substitution is required, care is taken to maintain the style and theme of the arrangement using flowers and materials of equal or greater value.


Available: In Stock