
TFX1605 D01

  1. Brighten up her day with the TFX1605 D01 bouquet that brings a pop of red to her world.
  • Lovely red roses, gerbera, carnations and stargazers make a stunning red bouquet
  • Long-lasting flowers stay fresh for 7-10 days
  • Arranged by floral designers in a clear glass vase

Make her feel special with our vibrant TFX1605 D01 red flower bouquet. The beautiful roses, gerbera, carnations and exotic stargazers are expertly arranged in a clear glass vase that perfectly displays the gorgeous reds. Give her a gift that celebrates love and beauty with flowers that last 7-10 days, so she can enjoy their radiance and your thoughtfulness all week long.

Surprise your favorite person with the gift of TFX1605 D01, a stunning bouquet bursting with red roses, gerbera, carnations and stargazers. Thoughtfully arranged by our floral designers, it's a special delivery she'll adore.


Red Roses, Red Gerbera, Carnation and Stargazer


Available: In Stock