
TFX 1607 D01 A

Captivate Your Loved Ones with This Stunning Bouquet

Show someone you care by gifting them with this breathtaking bouquet. With elegant white roses and tulips, it radiates innocence and conveys your heartfelt emotions. White roses represent purity and new beginnings, making them ideal for momentous occasions like weddings. Meanwhile, white tulips say "I'm sorry" - they're the perfect flower to give when you need forgiveness. Together in one bouquet, these blooms make a touching gift to surprise a loved one and remind them how much you care. Watch their face light up when you present them with this special arrangement.

Surprise your loved ones with this lovely bouquet  make them feel special by giving them gifts I assure you that they will love it. White roses, the purist of colors, represent innocence, purity and charm. White roses are traditionally used in weddings and can represent new beginnings. We believe that white roses can also express remembrance and innocence. White tulips are the flowers to pick for an apology bouquet. If you need to say you are sorry, white flowers and maybe a gift of chocolate are a worthwhile gesture. Let the flowers speak for you

Send flowers to Metro Manila and your thoughts and emotions can be transmitted through flowers.

We deliver flowers across the Metro Manila and nearby provinces. If you want to send flowers, trust us to deliver your most heartfelt messages.

3 Dozens of White Roses


Available: In Stock