
Hello Kitty Bouquet


Hello Kitty Bouquet

  1. Say hello to the cutest gift for any Hello Kitty fan with the Hello Kitty Bouquet, a fun and playful floral arrangement that delights.
  • Features an adorable Hello Kitty plush nestled in a bed of fresh blooms like roses, carnations, and gerbera daisies
  • Comes with a decorative ribbon wrapped around the bouquet in Hello Kitty's signature red, white and pink
  • Arrangement measures approximately 12 inches wide, making it the perfect size to brighten up any room

This charming bouquet is the purrfect way to add a pop of color and whimsy to a birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion. The included plushy Hello Kitty doll adds a sweet touch that Hello Kitty lovers young and old will adore. Surprise your favorite fan of the iconic kitty with this lively arrangement that celebrates their love for the beloved character in the most delightful way.


Available: In Stock